Samurai Sabre: A boost. 1*(tai)
Iaido: (Homing) User dashes towards enemy and slashes them once (cd of 10sec)
Chakra Shockwave Slash: User slashes rapidly in all directions sending a giant shockwave that pushes back and damages all enemies around them. Shockwave expands for 2 sec before vanishing (cd of 15 sec)
Yojinbo: User dashes forward 5 tiles damaging any enemies they hit (cd of 5 sec)
Issen: (Sabre Tech needed) User Slashes twice creating an X that flies out hitting up to 3 tiles and damaging all enemies that are hit Disappears after 3 sec (cd of 10 sec)
Iaido Sen: User dashes out 5 tiles and if they hit any enemy while dashing out they slash that enemy 3 times then the enemy is pushed back 3 tiles (cd of 20sec)